During the month, HTD selects a homeless facility to bless. The DOL Recipient provides a wish list and we fill the DOL bags with an assortment of items. This is HTD's foundational program. We enjoy this endeavor because it allows us to make new friends while meeting the needs of the homeless.
Deodorant, bar soap, vaseline, lotion, combs, chap stick, hand sanitizer, brushes, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste, dental floss, toothbrushes, paper towels, napkins, toilet tissue.
Loaves & Fishes
Street Patrol
Father Dempsey's Charities
Who will be the next agency to receive Drops of Love from HTD?
The members of HTD enjoyed talking to families about who we are and what we do. Some of them received water bottles and magnets that would remind them of us.
Building relationships while helping those
in need. It was a blessing to be able to
share our resources with Humanitri.
July 29, 2024
Dear Highway To Destiny,
With respect and gratitude, I would like to acknowledge thanks on behalf of Father Dempsey's Charities for the kind and generous gifts to our organization. This allows us to help our residents become independent and transition back into daily living many of us take for granted. We are so thankful for your continued support.
Be assured that the gifts you gave are gifts to the Lord, and He is never outdone in generosity and blessing. May He bless you abundantly.
Samuel L. Irons
Executive Director
July 29, 2024
Tamela, if no one told you today, you ARE amazing! Thank you and HTD for your gift of *12 bags/boxes of hygiene items & blankets* on 5/20/2024! You make it possible for us to service the unhoused community with blessings in a bag.
We invite you to consider becoming Street Patrol Elite Amplifiers. Your recurring donation, regardless of the amount, creates a sustained impact on the lives of those experiencing homelessness.
The Street Patrol
October 7, 2021
This letter is to say that we at the Salvation Army truly appreciate
the great service that you all have provided to our organization. Our
program participants were highly pleased with the items that your organization provided to us. The toiletries and clothing items given for our consumers within our programs helped offset the costs that each recipient can now use towards gaining housing to stabilize their families and return to the community, thanks to your organization. Just know that without organizations such as yours, the Salvation Army could not be successful in meeting human needs without discrimination. This partnership was a sounding success, and we appreciate your time and enthusiastic support. We would like to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt "ThankYou!" We look forward to working with you all in the future and your continued patronage.
Best regards,
Pierre Hampton
Regional Shelter Administrator
Our virtual popcorn fundraiser was a success thanks to Transformers United For Christ and individual donors. Their donations will allow us to provide basic necessities for approximately 45-50 homeless individuals in the St. Louis area. This wouldn't be possible without the help of the community.
Send your name and the recipient's information to